khoob study

Monday, October 31, 2022

What is C programming in detail?

# Program:- A program can be define as statement or set of statements which is proform the specific task .Let us an example to understant the detail consept of programs.

Input:- Small program to print Hello Word , any Name.


In the above program example in 1st two line we have included header file , we have include the header file in every C-programming to use predefine function like ..printf., scanf, .....etc

In the 1st line of above program is stdio.h which is stand for standered input output header . This header file is use for pre-define function like printf(), scanf(),fopen(),fclose(),...etc.

 In the next line there is header file conio.h which is stand for console input output, use for pre-define function like clrscr(), getch(), getche(),textcolor(),..etc.

In the next line there is  main function which is the entry point for the compiler .All the instraction in the main function will be executed one by one .

Note:-There can not be write any program without use main function.

"{'' is opening of the main.

In the next line there is a pre-define function clrscr(); is use to clear the output screen.

 In the next line there is pre-define function printf which is use to print the message and data .Then after the next line getch(); function is used to hold the output screen.

"}" in the last line closing of the main.

Note :- In turoo C++

(1) Alt + Enter = Big or Small screen.

 (2) Ctrl + F9 = Run the program.

 (3) Alt + X = Exit. 

(4) Ctrl + Insert = Copy.

 (5) Shift + Insert = Paste. 

(6) Shift + Delete = Cut / Delete